Saturday, August 22, 2009

Perchance to Dream

I overslept my 5:30 am alarm today, there was a major thunderstorm and one lightning strike had to be in our neighborhood... not to mention that I was randomly dreaming about plane crashes before that even started... and I went to bed with a bad headache... let's just say it wasn't a great night for sleep.

So, I didn't make it to the group run, and now I'm running on my own. Luckily it's only 10 miles... I could go to the gym, but I'm going to do it outside since it's still early and hopefully the 10 miles will get me back inside by 9:30 or so (if I hurry up and leave soon!). I'm going to run from my house to Occoquan Regional Park, which will involve a big hill right at the turnaround.

Fingers crossed that it stays fairly cool for a while!!! Otherwise I will wimp out and turn around and head to the gym.

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