Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Yes... water! I need to drink more. And eat a better lunch. Well, my lunch was fabulous--I mean to say that it needs to be healthier. Tonight's run was not as good as last Tuesday... oh yeah, maybe I should be better about doing my workouts too! I am recommitting to this schedule and making it a priority. Must. Complete. Every. Workout.

I cut the aforementioned route a little bit short (only 2.6 miles) because the sky was very scary (and because I suck today). Fortunately, it didn't thunder or lightning, and it only rained a little. Rain, I can handle. Lightning, not so much. Also, remember the big hill I talked about? It really


When I can run that hill all the way without stopping (or dying), then the marathon will be a piece of cake. I guess in a way I'm lucky to have such a hard hill to practice on in my neighborhood.

I had this idea of walking the actual marathon route sometime. Maybe on a Sunday, I can do my 30 minutes of recovery run and then walk the rest. I'd really like to be able to visualize running all of it. Maybe I will do it a few times over the course of my training. It's always easier for me to continue on when I know what I'm facing. If the end isn't in "sight" then sometimes I just give up. Working on that trait too...

Anyway, tomorrow is either rest or cross-training, and I'm opting for cross-training. There's a spin class at the gym at 5:30 tomorrow, perfect!

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