Monday, October 19, 2009

La Musica

Only ran about 3.5 miles yesterday. My knees are still bothering me (IT band issues)... I've noticed that it takes almost 45 minutes for my body to loosen up and actually feel decent while running. Lucky for me that is only about 1/8 of the time I'll be running on Sunday. :)

Also yesterday, started working on a very large playlist for the marathon. I did some research and found out that while you can't cut mp3s in iTunes, you can designate a start time and end time for a track. So I can tell it to start/end whenever I want it to, and put the playlist on my iPod. That way I can have 3 minutes of a fast song and then 1 minute of a slower, walking song. This is going to take a lot of time, so who knows if I will finish it in time... not to mention that I will have to go back and reset every song to its normal start/end time. (when you change it in the playlist, it changes the file in your library as well. Argh!)

Still feeling nervous, although today I just want it all to end. I'm ready to not have to think about the marathon anymore! Too much pressure! After this, I'm sticking with half marathon or less. Probably less.

I'll be happy if I can still walk after.

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