Thursday, October 15, 2009


Sunday's run was bad, I barely made 5 miles. Everything hurt! I guess that's what happens when you take a week off... even on Tuesday it was a struggle to put in the required 30 minutes. I just feel so tired and my knees and hips hurt. :(

I'm really starting to get nervous again, I can't believe it's just over a week away! What was I thinking??!! I don't know why I feel so much pressure to do well. I guess it's the fact that everyone I know knows that I am doing this, and they will all be asking about it when it's over. And the fact that people have donated money to the LLS while linked to my marathon. Mainly I think it's just pride. I have a hard time with "failure"—whether it is real or imagined.

I just really want to well, which in my mind I guess is finishing at around a 14 min/mi pace and not getting injured along the way. Maybe being injured is what I'm so nervous about... I was really struggling with the blisters those last 4 miles of the 20 mi run. I can't imagine 6 more miles with that pain...

I think I should get a massage tomorrow.

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