Monday, April 13, 2009

Change of Plans

Instead of running outside yesterday, I did some cross-training with Andy and we went biking—about 8-9 miles total. We explored some of the new trails in Laurel Hill Park, (more maps here) which is adjacent to our neighborhood and is part of the former Lorton prison. The new trails are in the J-K-L areas on this map, or you can see the trails themselves (and lots of discussion on how awesome they are!) here. The newer trails are everything across Lorton road; the only trail up until this spring was the Giles Run trail.

Our first ride of the season went surprisingly well for both of us; I always have a hard time warming up, especially since the only direction to go from our house is UP. It's physically impossible for me to warm up going uphill—even when I am fully warm the hills kill me. I have ridden 30 miles on relatively flat/slowly rolling terrain, but steep uphills make me want to (and have in the past actually made me) vomit!

Andy was riding his single speed bike (I would die if I didn't have gears to change) and I was on my crappy old Fila. Yes, Fila made bikes apparently... but after 3 years of riding this bike and 2 years of saying I'm going to get a new one, I really might get a new one. We found a good deal on a good bike at Spokes Etc. so I'm going to try to call today to see if they have any at our store in Alexandria.

I just realized last week that the half marathon STARTS at 7:00 am in Fredericksburg—at least 30 minutes from Lorton. So I'll have to get up super early to get there and pick up my packet/warm up before the race starts at 7. I'm going to have to start getting up early during the week and working out before work—something I've been dreading and avoiding even thinking about since I started working out. Ugh, I hate to get up early. And, I will have to go to bed even earlier, so I will see Andy less during the week since most nights he doesn't even get home until close to 9 p.m. *sigh* The sacrifices for running. Good thing I've already told everyone about it or I might quit... but pride will prevent me from that at this point. :)

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