- The oldest woman who finished was 99 years old. She beat me by 5 minutes. :)
- The oldest man who finished was also 99 years old. He finished in 2 hrs 45 minutes.
- The youngest women were 5 14-year-old girls, all of whom beat me. Their times ranged from 4:13 to 6:26.
- The youngest men were 7 14-year-old boys, all of whom beat me. Their times ranged from 4:29 to 6:50.
- The actual fastest person to finish was a handcycler (hand wheelchair) who finished in 1:22. Amazing!
- The fastest wheelchair participant finished in 1:59. Again amazing!
- There were 93 participants from Costa Rica, where we honeymooned last year.
- There were 107 from England, 1 from Ethiopia, 1 from Poland, 1 servicemember each from Iraq and Afghanistan, and 1 from Swaziland. (There were lots of foreign participants, this was just a snippet.)
- There were 6 people from Clemson, SC. 439 from all of SC.
- There were 53 people from Lorton, including me. 10 of them did not finish. I was the last person to finish from Lorton. The fastest was in 2:51. I just realized that Ft. Belvoir is in Lorton, so lots of those were probably Army people.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Entertaining Facts According to the Results

If you'll notice, I was NOT last, not even in my division. Thanks to the other youngish woman who came in behind me. :)
5K= 3.1 mi, 10K = 6.2 mi, 15K = 9.3 mi, 20K = 12.4 mi, 25K = 15.5 mi, 30K = 18.6 mi, 35K = 21.7 mi, 40K = 24.8 mi. So like I said, after I beat the bridge, I was done. I did what I wanted to do.
And... "age-graded" results are calculated using tables developed by the World Association of Veteran Athletes. The tables can be used in two ways: first, by comparing your time to a standard for your sex and age, you can determine your Performance Level Percent.
- 100% = Approximate World-Record Level
- Over 90% = World Class
- Over 80% = National Class
- Over 70% = Regional Class
- Over 60% = Local Class
Well at least it wasn't 0%. :-D
I MADE IT!!!!!!!!!!!
I had some AWESOME support along the way... so many people encouraged me along the training and I received so many well wishes and "good luck"s. And I had a cheering squad today: at various times, I saw my mom and Andy, both of Andy's parents, Amy, and Galen and Kelly. It means SO much to me that you guys were there, and I really appreciate it! Especially since it took me so freaking long. :)
So after a painful walk to the Metro (yeah, more walking even after limping all that way!) we took the Metro (crowded, but eventually got to sit down—for the first time since 6am!!) and hobbled to the car. I came home and took a long, super hot bath, and then took a nap, and then ate Papa Johns for dinner. And sometime soon, wedding cake! Yay! Happy Anniversary to us!!!
And so now, I can barely walk around my house. I have so many aches and pains, it's ridiculous. Some of them I expected, but some of them—like the roof of my mouth being raw from breathing through my mouth too much—well that's just random. Got some blisters but not too bad, none on the arch thank goodness. I think I had my shoes tied too tight the entire time, because those ligaments or whatever in front of your ankle are sore on both feet, and my left Achilles tendon is busted. Not for real, but it feels like it is creaking every time I flex my foot. And, I'm sunburned. Totally forgot/didn't even consider it. I don't know who said marathons were addictive—I'm NEVER doing that again!
I have to say, I'm really proud of the fundraising too. Thanks to everyone who donated money—we raised over $2000 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society to help eradicate blood cancers! That feels just as good as finishing the marathon.
So what's next? I want to start swimming again, and am considering triathlons. I'm not sure how long an "official" triathlon is, but I know that they are held in all lengths. All I know is, I'm going to keep running at least a little bit—at this point 5 miles is nothing, so if I can keep that in mind, it shouldn't be a problem to knock off 2 miles at the gym even on the worst workday. :)
I MADE IT!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :)
Friday, October 23, 2009
Freak out!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Good Day
My weekend is shaping up to be very busy and I'm stressing already... but I have a massage scheduled for Saturday so hopefully it will be a good wind-down activity before the big day on Sunday!!! :)
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
When I was in a sorority, we always had to say something good about someone if we said something bad. "End on a positive" was the rule. So here we go: I still have a job, I have the best husband ever, I have two awesome kitties, a place to live, I'm healthy (for now anyway), and I generally live a pretty awesome life.
There, pity party over. :)
Monday, October 19, 2009
La Musica
Also yesterday, started working on a very large playlist for the marathon. I did some research and found out that while you can't cut mp3s in iTunes, you can designate a start time and end time for a track. So I can tell it to start/end whenever I want it to, and put the playlist on my iPod. That way I can have 3 minutes of a fast song and then 1 minute of a slower, walking song. This is going to take a lot of time, so who knows if I will finish it in time... not to mention that I will have to go back and reset every song to its normal start/end time. (when you change it in the playlist, it changes the file in your library as well. Argh!)
Still feeling nervous, although today I just want it all to end. I'm ready to not have to think about the marathon anymore! Too much pressure! After this, I'm sticking with half marathon or less. Probably less.
I'll be happy if I can still walk after.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
It's Getting Real!
Here's the official course:
I've been icing my hips, knees, and shins a lot lately... starting to feel like I'm falling apart. I'm trying to take it easy but still keep moving... I CANNOT BELIEVE that I am running a marathon a week from tomorrow! I'm starting to feel less nervous and more just ready to get it overwith. :-p
Thursday, October 15, 2009
I'm really starting to get nervous again, I can't believe it's just over a week away! What was I thinking??!! I don't know why I feel so much pressure to do well. I guess it's the fact that everyone I know knows that I am doing this, and they will all be asking about it when it's over. And the fact that people have donated money to the LLS while linked to my marathon. Mainly I think it's just pride. I have a hard time with "failure"—whether it is real or imagined.
I just really want to well, which in my mind I guess is finishing at around a 14 min/mi pace and not getting injured along the way. Maybe being injured is what I'm so nervous about... I was really struggling with the blisters those last 4 miles of the 20 mi run. I can't imagine 6 more miles with that pain...
I think I should get a massage tomorrow.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Getting Back in the Run
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
The worst thing is that I can't run in this condition. I can't even wear my running shoes, because I can't have anything rubbing on the arch... fortunately my work shoes don't touch that area... don't think I could hobble around here barefoot like I do at home.
I am noticing the effects of not running, though... especially coming back from such a long time off, my eyes aren't used to staring at the computer all day, and I keep getting tension headaches. I need my stress relief back! Amazing that I'm complaining about not being able to excercise, huh? :)
Sunday, October 4, 2009
20 MILES!!!!!
I also have some physical issues to figure out still... no shin splints (knock on wood!) but I have some INSANE blisters from yesterday... I might have been able to push more running but the blisters were killing me. I even have a huge on on my arch of my right foot... Why? How? What?? I also need to be better about stretching afterward... the stretching I did was apparently not enough, because I have tin man syndrome for the first time in a long time.
Still, 20 miles!!!!!!! Now I get to "take it easy" from here until the race, with the longest run being 8 miles next Saturday and the shortest 3 miles the week before the race. I think I am ready! :)

Sunday, September 27, 2009
4 Weeks...
Tomorrow we leave for Douthat State Park, the same place that we got engaged almost exactly 2 years ago! It's a great park with tons of mountain biking trails, so it will be nice to get out and ride for a change... although it's been months since I've been on the bike and it will take a few runs to get comfortable I'm sure. I'll have to run a couple of days while we're there too, but I'll be getting plenty of cardio in during the week as it is!
Before we leave, I'm running 15 miles tomorrow morning. It's been raining cats and dogs this afternoon and all evening, and while I'd like to say that I'm tough enough to run in the rain, it's also chilly and I don't want to! So I may be camped out in the gym for a few hours tomorrow. People will think I'm crazy... but if they are in there the whole time I am, then they are just as crazy I guess. There better be a good movie playing in the cinema tomorrow, that's for sure... I'm sure I will see an entire movie if not 1.5 times!
As a side note, the last day for donations is October 7! If you have any friends or family who would like to donate (or if you'd like to donate yourself), please send them the link to my donation page (http://pages.teamintraining.org/nca/corps09/sperlman) and I would more than appreciate it. :)
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
80s Chic

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
I ran on Saturday, was going to do 18 miles and only did 9.5 (Andy picked me up at my "turnaround" point). My entire body just felt like it was achy, and I felt like I was running through Jell-o. Maybe I have Lyme disease. Or maybe I just have been out of running for so long that I'm out of shape. (I love that "out of shape" means 9.5 miles... I'm telling you, after this marathon, I'm going to be so excited to run 5 miles!)
So now I'm kind of worried again about the marathon. I know, it's like a cycle... I have a bad run, I get worried, I have a good run, I get excited... that's just how I am I guess. But if I could only do 9.5 miles, how am I going to run 26.2 in 5 weeks???
Time to take some Advil and get back to work...
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Back to Basics
I ran Wednesday morning in Oklahoma City, but only for about 45 minutes. That's it. Tonight is going to be ROUGH. And I have to do 18 miles this Saturday and 20 the Saturday after that, so it's critical that I don't miss any runs from here until then. After that, it's taper time. Yesssssssss!
It's been so long, I think I might have to go to the cardio cinema just to keep myself entertained. NCIS reruns only get you so far, especially when you've seen them all.
This is gonna hurt...
Friday, September 4, 2009
By in a Flash
Saturday's run was AMAZING!!! I ran 16.5 miles, half a mile farther than I had to :) and I felt great. Very tired and my feet were very sore, but I felt so happy that I accomplished it! Andy (a.k.a. the best husband EVER!) met me at my halfway point, which was Occoquan Regional Park, with a sports drink because I wouldn't have had enough. Even so, I had to stop at CVS (about 2.5 miles from home) on my way back to get some water. But I did it!
I think that the key to my success is my Nike+iPod app—I am able to check my pace whenever I want, which helps me to know if I need to slow down or speed up. Usually I'm running too fast at the beginning and just walking too slowly all the time. Much easier to walk fast on a treadmill! This worked so well, I was running the same pace on my way back as I was on the way there. Awesome! I did skip a few running intervals during the last 5 miles or so, but I tried to keep running as much as possible. All in all, it was a big confidence-booster.
Then on Tuesday, I tried to run at the gym but my legs were sore. Not from the run on Saturday, but from wearing heels... guess the doctor was right. She said that I have to stop wearing heels because my Achilles tendon is shortened and it needs to learn to stretch back out again. So that's why I have problems with my lower legs sometimes. (There are other issues, but that's a big one.) I have to go shopping this weekend and find some comfortable—yet stylish—shoes for the convention next week. I don't think I'll ever be able to completely give up heels though!
I didn't run last night, and I'm not running tonight, so we'll see how the 10 miler goes tomorrow morning. It's a week "on your own" since some of the team is running in the Rock-n-Roll Half Marathon at Virginia Beach on Sunday. I'm starting to think that maybe I'm better on my own after all...
Next week is going to be interesting. We're working a LOT while we're in OKC, and I won't have a whole lot of time (or energy) to run. And I definitely will NOT have time to do 18 miles on Saturday. So, I'm not sure how that will play out, I might have to just run 18 miles the next week or something. If I do that, then I'll be running 18 miles one week and 20 miles the next, with no "lighter" week in between (the lighter week is 12 miles, does that really count as lighter anyway?) but I think it's better than skipping the 18 miles.
Maybe I'll run 12 miles tomorrow, and then 18 miles in 2 weeks and on with the 20 miles the next week.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Screaming Expletives
I set the alarm for 5:30, and I got up to hit snooze. That's all I remember until Andy woke me up saying, "Babe! It's 6:45!" And then I screamed some bad words into my pillow and got up.
So what does this mean for me?
1. No running with the team. I could have raced around and sped to Vienna and been only about 20 minutes late, but that's a terrible way to start the morning and I would have worried about trying to catch up to everyone, which is the worst thing I can do on such a long run.
2. No water stops. I'm not sure how many they were going to have, but now I have to be pretty much self-reliant with the fluids. It worked out OK last weekend by stopping at CVS, but I'm not sure where my route will take me today.
3. On the plus side, I was going to use my iPod, which is frowned upon by TNT. So at least I don't have to hide it.
4. Another plus, I don't have to factor driving time into my schedule. I am going to be starting at least a half hour later, but I don't have to worry about driving home, so that should make up for the difference... plus I can stretch and relax in the AC without having to sit in my car for half an hour after my long run.
It's overcast, and it might rain. The high today is only supposed to be 85, and it's supposed to be cloudy the entire time I'm running. This is AWESOME.
I can do this. Who cares that I won't be with the team? I CAN DO THIS. 16 miles, here I come. For grandma. And for me.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
We have focused this season in large part on the physical side of training. Let’s turn now to a topic that’s equally important for endurance athletes; the “mental” aspect of training. Here are excerpts from a training tip that we’ve shared with our athletes in past seasons:
“We've all visualized ourselves doing something successful. It's a process that we start as children when we dream of winning a gold medal or a spelling bee. But the act of visualization is much more than just daydreaming—it's a powerful performance tool that we can use to help us in our day-to-day lives, including getting the most from a fitness regimen. If you are having a hard time seeing how you could look when you truly “transform your body,” you could use a little visualization to reinforce in the brain what the body is trying to achieve. Visualization is not simply a process of thinking about something (although that is a decent start); it's an organized process of mentally working through weaknesses and seeing improvement in order to make progress.
Visualization is also referred to as “guided imagery,” or the process of creating a scene in your mind of what you want to happen. An Olympic athlete will create images, like pictures or movies, that recreate their best performances or envision desired outcomes so that imagery becomes a “normal” part of the psyche. While imagining these scenarios, the athlete actually imagines every detail and the way it feels to perform the way they want. These images can be visual (images and pictures), kinesthetic (how the body may feel), or auditory (creating sound triggers to stimulate repetitive performance). Using the mind, an athlete can call up these images over and over, enhancing skills through repetition or rehearsal, similar to physical practice. With mental rehearsal, minds and bodies become trained to actually perform the skill imagined. A layperson would apply the exact same techniques to improve on push-ups, yoga positions, finishing a desired number of repetitions, or just about anything. Such repeated imagery can build both mental experience and confidence in one's ability to perform certain skills or achieve a certain outcome.”
Here are several steps to help you begin to visualize like the pros:
- Visualize with as many of your senses as possible. Try to re-create as many feelings and muscular stimuli with each visualization as you can.
- Visualize as many times during the day as possible; when you get up, before training, after training, and always before you fall asleep.
- Visualize all the various situations that you will be facing. See the challenges and opportunities.
- Visualize those situations that are the most difficult for you. It is important that the images you create are as perfect as possible. Include as much of the physical feeling of doing these techniques as you can.
- Repeat each image in your mind as many times as possible. Utilize every opportunity to reinforce neuromuscular patterning.
The Other Business
Any runner wearing Brooks MCM 2009 apparel or Brooks shoes on race day earns the special privilege of using the Brooks VIP Porta Potty. Luxuries you’ll enjoy inside the Brooks VIP Porta Potty include flusing toilets, partitioned stalls, climate control, fragrance dispenser, hot and cold water, auto shut-off faucets and even an oak vanity and mirror. Download the location map of the Brooks VIP Porta Potty.
Fascinating. My current shoes are Brooks.
Since I'm in charge of everything that's printed, I am usually the last link in a long chain for every piece that needs to be made. Which sucks, because the chain consists of many links, each one feeling as though there is all the time in the world—I mean, it's 2 weeks away, right? So I have to put pressure on my coworkers, and they have to try to convey the urgency to people who are miles and miles away and are busy with their own work. Ahhhh, the life.
Anyway, I'm busy getting all of these things done at what feels like the last minute. It's all under control, but every minute of my work day is full (and then some). Tuesday I did my run after work, which lasted until around 7, then went home and ate dinner at 9, and went to sleep at 11. It was a weird, sluggish run, my legs were aching and I just felt like I was running through quicksand.
I have to mention that I have a cold; Andy had it first, and now I'm a couple of days behind with it. Today is the worst day so far, I'm kind of achy and just feel crappy in general. Not to mention feminine issues (sorry gents) and today is the worst day of those cramps, too. So I'm just a big hot mess this week, and today seems to be culminating.
On my to do list outside of work:
• Write thank you notes to people who have donated recently. They are stamped and addressed, but I've been carrying them around for a week and haven't written them.
• Clean our house—we're having a party Saturday. After my 16 mile run. Yes, I'm serious.
• Plan the menu for the party.
• Pick up items to be borrowed from various friends: 2 blenders, a cooler, possibly a beach umbrella (it's a beach-themed party).
• Try to make some food ahead of time on Friday night.
• Get materials/pre-make food for a work party on Friday at lunch. Seriously considering purchasing something to bring.
• Make a fun playlist for the party (at home).
• Get plenty of rest Friday night for the run Saturday morning.
• DECIDE WHETHER TO RUN INSIDE OR OUTSIDE ON SATURDAY. This is the biggest concern I have right now, which is kind of silly considering all of the other things I have to do. Andy says I should run outside because I need the practice and it just isn't the same inside. He's right, but at the same time, I had SUCH a terrible run for the 14 miler that I am terrified of this run. I have psyched myself out of it, and I'm nervous about it. These are my concerns/worries/fears about it:
- HEAT. I am not meant to be out in the heat. If you've met me, you know that my skin is uber-white and not meant for sunshine fun beyond a certain point. Especially when extra exertion is required.
- WATER. At the 14 mile run, Team in Training ran out of water for the water stops. Yes, I carry my water belt, but it only gets you so far. So I get water and try to refill at the water stops, but it's kind of difficult when they run out. My entire second half of the 14 mile run was without water, except for one of the coaches coming by to hand out water bottles—to share. Way to plan.
- PACE. We all know that I am having major problems with pacing myself. Again, the 14 mile run started out way too fast, and I was spent by mile 9. The only way I know how to regulate this is to use my iPod because it can tell me how fast I'm going and I can judge whether I need to slow down or speed up. It is against the TNT rules to use headphone while running because you need to be aware of the trail and the other traffic. I understand this, but it's the only way. So I am considering sneaking it and doing my thing. I need it.
- TIME. This coincides with pace... I'm worried that it's going to take me forever. I was one of the last people to finish the 14 mile run, and I am NOT exaggerating. This is the opposite of a confidence booster. If it takes me 4 hours to do 14 miles, how can I finish the marathon in a reasonable time? I don't want them to reopen the bridge before I get across it. The pace time listed on the website is 14:00/mi—anything slower than that and they reopen the bridge, which is at mile 19 (So I have to do at least the first 19 miles in roughly 4.5 hours). And it would be extremely dangerous to try and run with traffic on it! Plus, they stop timing people at 3:30, so that's a maximum of 7.5 hours. In theory, if I could hold my pace I might be able to finish around 6 hours. That would be awesome by my standards!!!
Andy is a such good coach. He won't let me quit, even when I'm whining uncontrollably. And he keeps me from cheating myself, which sometimes I'm all too ready to do. So I guess I'm running outside on Saturday... there may be a party going on at my house while I nap. :)
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Close Enough?
Weather when I started
Temp/Humidity: 77 degrees/84%
RealFeel Temperature: 85 degrees
Weather when I stopped
Temp Humidity: 81 degrees/76%
RealFeel Temperature: 90 degrees
Also, did you know that your body heats up much more on the inside than on the outside while excercising? (The linked article is very interesting, as are the comments on it.) There is something called the 20-degree rule (I could only find reference to it here although we've talked about it in training. What can I say, I'm lazy with the Googling today.) So if it was 85, after some excercising it felt like 105. And who knows what my internal organs felt like?
I'm getting closer and closer to the decision to run all 16 miles next weekend INDOORS on the treadmill. I get plenty hot, and it would be nice to a) not have the sun beating down on me; b) have plentiful amounts of water nearby, and c) movies to watch. :-D
Perchance to Dream
So, I didn't make it to the group run, and now I'm running on my own. Luckily it's only 10 miles... I could go to the gym, but I'm going to do it outside since it's still early and hopefully the 10 miles will get me back inside by 9:30 or so (if I hurry up and leave soon!). I'm going to run from my house to Occoquan Regional Park, which will involve a big hill right at the turnaround.
Fingers crossed that it stays fairly cool for a while!!! Otherwise I will wimp out and turn around and head to the gym.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Running Music
Saturday's run was TERRIBLE, in the most epic way... it was the Grapes of Wrath of my workouts so far. HOT HOT HOT so effing hot, and I don't do heat... plus I started out way too fast and just died. Of the 14 miles, I think I ran somewhere around 9 and then just walked verrrry slowly to the end. I started off in the middle to front of the pack, and ended up being one of the last people in. SUCK.
So I need to figure out how to pace; training inside on the treadmill cheats me in that respect because the treadmill paces for me. So... although it's "against the rules" I have decided that I really do need my iPod if I'm going to get through this thing.
I've looking at some websites that let you search for songs with similar beats per minute, but I haven't figured out what range I like yet. Right now I'm just looking at all kinds of recommendations from all kinds of people/blogs/websites and I'm going to check out the songs I've never heard and see if any are my speed. (Pun intended!)
Any and all recommendations are welcome! First person to leave a comment wins a prize. A lame prize, but a prize nonetheless... :)
Friday, August 14, 2009
This week
Last night was a good run, 4 solid miles just watching NCIS reruns. Still using the treadmill because it's so hot, but keeping it at the 1% incline to hopefully mimic the difficulty of running outside. We'll see. 14 miles tomorrow, and it's a hill workout... apparently there are no flat stretches but plenty of shade... Starting at 7am!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Recovery Run
I guess today is my "recovery run" even though it's Monday and I have to run again tomorrow. I'm feeling very productive though, because I got a lot done this weekend around the house, so I want to keep up this wave of energy and be sure I get into the gym while I'm enjoying it! :)
Here's a random photo, since I haven't posted anything but words for a while:
Sunday, August 9, 2009
I Heart the Treadmill
The thing is, it really wasn't that bad.
OK it was kind of bad, but not like "Glitter" bad, more like the movies that you see on Saturday afternoon on TBS, and you're flipping through, and the movie isn't that good, but you're like, eh, what the hell, nothign else is on.
The point is that I did my 7 miles in the air conditioning, so I was still extremely hot and sweaty, but I could actually breathe because the humidity wasn't 98% like it is outside. :-p Welcome to August!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Return of the Run
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
So Many Updates...
- No run in San Francisco.
- Biked across the Golden Gate Bridge! Was about 5-6 miles total I think, up to the bridge and then across and down to Sausalito.
- SF is freaking HILLY and so with the walking and biking we did, I feel OK about not doing the run.
- Got X-rays, don't have stress fractures.
- The doctor told me I have to STOP WEARING HEELS!!! Life over. :(
- I am dying to run... and way behind on work. Trying to figure out how I can get a good run in, get some work done, and have dinner with my girls tonight.
More later!!!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
San Francisco Route
I've planned my San Francisco route, and I'm just a little bit nervous about it, mostly about running across the Golden Gate Bridge. It's something I really want to do, but it's very high and I'm scared of heights, so... it's going to be interesting. I think that this run should take me 3 hours or less; I'm not too sure because of hills and traffic lights and all of that kind of stuff. But I did plan it fairly well as far as hills, which is great. :)
Here it is, the 12 mile run:
Monday, July 27, 2009
Finding a Route
Sunday, July 26, 2009
8 Really IS Great!

Next week seems daunting: I have to do 12 miles, and I'll be in San Francisco on vacation. It's going to be tough. I need to figure out a route, and then once I get there I need to EXECUTE! It's gonna be really tough... I sent Helen a text to see if she might stoop to my slow-ass level and run with me. I think it would help me a LOT. But I understand if she just wants to enjoy her vacation. :)
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Sexy Belt
Return of the Shins
He basically told me that I had shin splints, but he wanted to take xrays just in case to make sure it there weren't any stress fractures. (I found it interesting that he especially recommended this after he found out the insurance I have. Is it something he wants to do, but would have waited on if I couldn't afford it? Or does he want to go ahead with it because it will make him more money? Ah, the joys of our healthcare system!)
So I'll humor him, I don't mind having the xrays to rule out something that would be really bad. (Running on stress fractures will eventually lead to full-on broken bones—no thanks!) I have notoriously strong bones though, so I'm 99% sure that I just have shin splints. He also prescribed some stronger anti-inflammatory drugs to take and told me to cut the running in half, if not resting completely, for 2 weeks until my next appt.
So, I didn't do the Tuesday night run. I wanted to go for a bike ride with Andy, but I worked late and had to run errands and he was hungry, so we didn't end up going after all. Tonight I'm going to run on the treadmill a bit, not sure if I will do the whole 50 minutes (I probably will) but I'm going to take it easy. It's strange how I feel like I haven't excercised in FOREVER, but really I excercised on Monday night. I am turning into someone who enjoys excercise?! Or at least feels weird when they don't do it. :)
8 miles Saturday morning! I have to drive all the way to Reston though, and be there by 7am. It's pretty far... another early morning... :-p
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Last Saturday - 10 miles!
Then I layed around the house for the rest of the day. Woohoo! :)
Monday, July 20, 2009
Thursday 7/16
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Marathon Course Video
Runner's Hedonism
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Attack of the Mountain Bike

It looks better in the photo than it does in person. Andy wanted me to wear long sleeves so people didn't think he beat me. As if. :)
Monday, July 13, 2009
Sesame Street Lied: 8 is Not so Great

I had every intention of coming home after Saturday's run and writing all about it—especially since I was blogging in my head during my run. It entertains me to think of what I will write about later... but most of the time when I get back home I just want to lie on the couch and veg out to the tv. :) Some of the experience has blurred, but the basics are still ingrained in my mind...
5:28 am: I wake up, go to the bathroom, and lie back down in bed even though I'm unusually pretty awake.
6:00 am: My alarm goes off, time to get ready to drive to Sterling to run with the TNT group. I turn it off and lie down again, even though I'm still pretty awake.
6:28 am: Andy says,"it's almost 6:30." and I reply, "I know. I don't feel like driving to Sterling." I am wishy washy for about 15 minutes until I decide that it's too late to make it in time and that I will run by myself.
7:00 am: I get out of bed, and begin getting ready for the run. I haven't been up this early on a Saturday in I don't know how long. I am reminded of getting up for swim practice on summer mornings when I was in middle and high school, and how much I hated getting up and getting in the water when it was so cold. (70 degree water is pretty chilly.)
7:20 am: I'm on the internet, looking at maps of the W&OD trail, with Andy looking over my shoulder advising me on the best place to go run.
7:45 am: Andy leaves to go to work. I'm slowly getting everything ready. Yes still.
8:30 am: I finally leave the house to go to Falls Church and hop on the trail.
9:05 am: I am on the trail! Walking at first to warm up, then running. I am wearing my Camelbak since Thursday's run was decent with it on. I didn't consider the fact that 8 miles is a lot farther than 3 miles when you're wearing a backpack.
9:15 am: There are lots of cyclists on the trail, and they are kind of rude. Not many of them announce their presence and so they just zoom around me without warning. I am being very careful to look behind me first if I am going to go around a walker.
9:30 am: My legs already hurt. Shin splints again. I've only been around 2 miles.
9:37 am: I see a woman walking a ferret on a leash. So weird.
9:45 am: I've been 3 miles, with lots of stops along the way to try and stretch my legs. I sit down and call Andy for some advice. I know he will give it to me straight.
I say, "I've been 3 miles, and I can't decide if I should go the 4th mile, because then I have 4 more to do. It's not a matter of whether or not I can make it--I know that I can keep going another mile. But my legs are killing me and I'm not sure if I should keep running on the shin splints. What do you think?"
He says, "Well, you could turn back now, and if you feel like it's OK, you can go a mile the other direction on the trail and then come back to the car." Genius.
9:52 am: After some more stretching, I'm headed back in the other direction. Every walker I pass makes me feel great. Every person who passes me while I'm walking makes me feel terrible. Such a roller coaster of achievement/failure feelings!
10:05 am: I've only been on the trail for an hour, but it feels like an eternity. I'm about 1/3 of the way back to the car, but time is crawling by. The Camelbak isn't heavy, but it distracts me. I also think that it makes me lean forward more, which is not good for the leg issue. It might be time to buy one of those ridiculous looking belt things with the little water bottles on the sides. Ugh.
10:15 am: I pass the third person wearing a Camelbak while running, but they are all the little ones with nothing but the water pouch. Mine has room for storage, and although I don't have much in it, I think it's just distracting to me having it there.
10:20 am: Less than a mile to go, and it's very hard to keep running. I take a long walk break, about 5 minutes, and I'm beginning to realize that I will probably be walking a lot of this marathon. But it doesn't matter; I just have to finish. I can accomplish the same thing by walking as I can by running.
10:35 am: Back at the car! My mind is telling me to put the Camelbak in the car and to keep going for a mile in the other direction, but my body is telling me to just get in the car and sit down. My legs are throbbing. I wish for the shin splints to go away so that I can keep running, because I am getting better with the endurance and as much as I hate the running, I like the running.
10:45 am: I finally start the car after taking my time getting my shoes and socks off and drinking some water.
11:15 am: I'm back at home, wishing already that I had at least walked the extra 2 miles. This is the first mileage run that I have come up short. It's very discouraging. I briefly consider not even writing about it here, and then decide that it won't help me any to leave out the bad runs.
12:00 pm: Andy is home from work, and we eat pizza from the freezer. Then we spend hours watching reruns of Mythbusters, napping, and just enjoying being lazy. I haven't had such a lazy day in a really long time, and it feels great to know that I at least left the house and got some excercise this morning.
Looking back, I really do wish that I had walked the extra 2 miles. I might be walking a lot more of the marathon than I thought, and I need to work on accepting that. (I wasn't planning on running the WHOLE thing anyway, but I was hoping to run maybe half?) I'm not sorry that I missed the group run though; I am beginning to realize that, as much as I want company, I don't want to feel pressured by someone else's pace or expectations. When I need to stop and walk, I need to stop and walk. I don't want someone telling me to keep going, because I know when I need a walk break. Plus, I have all of you reading this so I know I can't quit. And I told my grandma I was doing it for her, and that's the ultimate motivator. :)
So now I need to recover from the shin splints, AGAIN. I've been told that running by leaning forward causes extra stress on that part of the legs, so the Camelbak may just exacerbate that. We'll see.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Thursday July 9 (Yesterday)
Tuesday July 7
I worked late and then had to do a massive grocery store run, so I didn't even get to start running until almost 8pm. I put away all the refrigerated groceries, left the rest in the car, and head out for what I knew would be a short run.
Andy was out on a bike ride, so I expected that he'd be back by the time I got home, short run or not. I left around 7:50 and did a shortened version of my usual loop around the neighborhood. I decided not to do the 2:1 run/walk ratio and just ran when I could and walked when I needed to. I felt really good, really light on my feet, but I chalked it up to having a light lunch instead of going out for a BLT. :)
So imagine my surprise when I got home, and Andy wasn't back yet! I checked the time... I had only been gone for 20 minutes!! Two miles in 20 minutes!! Amazing.
Monday July 6
July 4: Six Patriotic Miles
Beginning of the Backtrack: Thursday July 2
The bad part is that I left my iPod out on the floor while I was charging it for the trip... and Fry decided to chew on the earphone wires. My fault, I left them out even though I knew he would chew them up (he's done it before... 1 time shame on you, 2 times shame on me!) but I was too lazy to wrap up the cord. So, I've been running without music since then. Not terrible, but the music really helps me.
not an update!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
It took me a while because I kept having to zoom in to make sure there was sidewalk on the roads that I was looking at, and also because I have no sense of scale and I didn't know how far each segment was going to be until I plotted it.
I really want to run to Asharoken and back (that weird neck of land north of Northport that juts into Long Island Sound) but it would be 8.5 miles round trip. I could do it, but I only have 6 miles on the schedule this weekend and I think that I will enjoy more of my holiday if I can keep it to 6. :) Plus, there are lots of seemingly fancy houses there, and I don't even know if they are public roads or if it is Snootyville. I'll investigate and maybe run there next time.
So tired... don't want to run... I hope someone is reading this and knows how dedicated I am! ;)
Mmm Pizza...
Is pizza any better for you if it has fruit on it??
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
pace yoself, fool!
Someone should invent sunglasses that you can wear and see your stats as you're running. That would be really cool. They probably already invented it and it's a bazillion dollars and only Saudi princes and Bill Gates can afford them. I would say Warren Buffett, but he is way too practical and rich to have spent his life buying stupid shit like that. He would wear a watch. An ANALOG watch. Because he is old school like that. Yes, I'm rambling about Warren Buffett on my running blog. What?
I cut the aforementioned route a little bit short (only 2.6 miles) because the sky was very scary (and because I suck today). Fortunately, it didn't thunder or lightning, and it only rained a little. Rain, I can handle. Lightning, not so much. Also, remember the big hill I talked about? It really
When I can run that hill all the way without stopping (or dying), then the marathon will be a piece of cake. I guess in a way I'm lucky to have such a hard hill to practice on in my neighborhood.
I had this idea of walking the actual marathon route sometime. Maybe on a Sunday, I can do my 30 minutes of recovery run and then walk the rest. I'd really like to be able to visualize running all of it. Maybe I will do it a few times over the course of my training. It's always easier for me to continue on when I know what I'm facing. If the end isn't in "sight" then sometimes I just give up. Working on that trait too...
Anyway, tomorrow is either rest or cross-training, and I'm opting for cross-training. There's a spin class at the gym at 5:30 tomorrow, perfect!
Pump it Up
I think I'm going to try this 3.5 mile route through my greater neighborhood area:

It's basically up Silverbrook (as everything is from our house) and to the church, then back down Silverbrook with a longcut on Laurel Crest. Right around the 3 mile marker on the map is where a big hill starts. Should be good for me!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
A Nice Day for a Hike

We took the North Ridge Trail (1.7 miles) to the Appalachian Trail, then headed north for about 2.5 miles to the trail crossing at Route 50. After a quick rest and a muffin, we headed back southbound on the AT and took the Ambassador Whitehouse Trail (1.1 miles, dumps into the North Ridge Trail) back to the parking lot. The trail up to the AT was VERY steep in sections, but the AT was fairly level until close to Ashby Gap (where it crosses 50). Then back up the gap, across the ridge, and down the hill to the road. Overall, it was a good hike, and I feel like the effort getting up the steep hills was better than the 5 miles I was supposed to run!
The only bad thing about the hike was my boots; I have some massive blisters on my heels. My left heel has a blister the size of a pepperoni! And that was after putting moleskin on to prevent the rubbing! So... I'm not sure if they need to be broken in more, but I am pretty sure I'm not willing to find out.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Tuesday's Run
I'm supposed to run today but I have too much stuff that needs to get done at home. (Didn't get home from work until around 7 so I just need those precious hours between getting home and sleeping.) And, I'm supposed to go on a hike with my mom on Saturday, so if I do that I won't run my mileage. I will have to do it on Sunday...
Helen gave me some great tips on the hip injury, since she has experienced something similar. She suggested some stretching, which I've tried but I've recently found a better resource for stretches. She also suggested some strength training for the hip adductors because it could be that the muscles are too weak to do what I'm asking them to do. In any case, my hip is still sore from Tuesday, so it's probably good that I'm not running tonight.
It makes me nervous to miss a scheduled workout, but I know that in the long run (ha!) it's more important to be healthy... plus this is just one that I've missed since the beginning. (I've made up any others I've missed on the next day.)
I need to work on my fundraising letters and mail them out. If you are actually reading this, then please hop on over to my fundraising page and help out! You also will probably be on my list to get a letter, so be warned. :-D
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Go do it.
I was going to do it anyway. 40 minutes today.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
First Mileage Weekend
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
One thing that really helped me get going last night was the EXCELLENT songs that kept (randomly) coming up during the workout:
B.O.B. - Outkast
Mrs. Robinson - the Lemonheads
Hard to Explain - the Strokes
Jump - Van Halen
A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More "Touch Me" - Fall Out Boy
Spiderwebs - No Doubt
Promiscuous - Nelly Furtado/Timbaland
Helena - My Chemical Romance
We Built This City - Jefferson Starship
Livin on a Prayer - Bon Jovi
Love is a Battlefield - Pat Benetar
Paint it Black - Gob
Good music is such a driving force for me. I believe that the Marine Corps Marathon rules prohibit the use of iPods or other music players, and I know that if you attend the TNT training runs you can't listen to music. Not sure how I'm going to get around that one... during the race itself I'll be fine, the half marathon wasn't bad and I'm sure the marathon will be the same. Music would have helped pass the time, but it's not imperative since the excitement of the actual race is pretty entertaining in itself. It's the miles and miles of practice...
It's been so rainy lately. I've been running inside the past few weeks since I've been sort of injured, but also it's been so wet that I can't count on running outside. Even after the great run last night, my hip is really sore today. I tried to stretch it last night and tried to ice it a bit, but I'm not sure that any of that is helping. Argh...
The schedule for today calls for either a rest day or 30-40 minutes of cross-training. I'm opting for cross-training since I'm still trying to get back into the swing of things. Hopefully I can work through the hip funkiness!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Big Plans
Monday, June 8, 2009
So today I'll run the miles that were supposed to happen yesterday (3 miles) and then pick back up tomorrow. The "long runs" are on Saturdays, so I will almost definitely be doing that with the actual team just to keep myself going the distance. ("Go the distance...") They practice at like 9 a.m. though, in different places, so I'll be getting up VERY early for the next few months. On a Saturday. YUCK.
Oh well. I leave you on this quote from my friend Amanda: "No rain, no rainbows." :)
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Running Once Again
Friday, May 29, 2009
Too Tired to Think of a Title
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Fortunately my training schedule says today is a rest day anyway. :)
Friday, May 22, 2009

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Tin Man Syndrome
Still recovering... I like to call my current state "tin man syndrome" because of the way I am walking. :) Surprisingly, the shin splints are still not back... I must have been doing something right. I think that I stretched my lower legs plenty during the race, but didn't stretch my quads once—and those are the muscles that are killing me. Also need to learn to stretch my hips without laying on the ground... or suck it up and just lay on the ground in the middle of the race. Hmm... could be an intimidation technique? :)
Monday, May 18, 2009
I'm already planning on another race, I want to do at least a 10K later this summer. I think I could do pretty well! I always have been a sprinter... if I keep running after the marathon I'll probably do shorter races and work on bettering my times.
Yes, I realize how silly I am, that 2 days ago I was scared and didn't want to do it, and today I'm plotting my running career. :)
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Done and done!

10K is almost halfway, as you can see I lost some energy on the second half of the race—I especially tanked in the last 3 miles... my hip is killing me and I need to figure out what that's all about. No shin splints yet, YET being the operative word.
But I was aiming for around 3 hours and I did it! Imagine what I can do after many more months of training, especially with a coach and a team... I'm very sore but I'm so glad I did it. Hooray! I'm calling in sick tomorrow. :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Knock on Wood
Oh yeah... it's definitely like thunder and lightning from this afternoon all the way through 10 am tomorrow. I'm secretly very happy—I really don't want to do this half marathon. I guess that's not a secret anymore...
I'm being a baby about it: I don't want to go by myself, I don't think I can run 13.1 miles, I'm just not there yet in my training. I'm scared of failure, but I don't even know what constitutes failure in my mind—I just know I don't want to be struggling and have people passing me all the time. It's all very cowardly really. Not to mention that GK are having a graduation party since Galen just finished his Construction Management degree. So I will have to go home early and go to bed while everyone else is having fun, just so I can get up at 5:45 to go running in the scary weather. Blargh.
I'm going to Fredericksburg this morning to pick up my race packet and information, and I'll ask more questions about the weather policy then. When it comes down to it, I know I should race. It will be good practice for the marathon and just good to push myself to that distance that I haven't reached before. But... the thought of the horrendous shin splints that will come after just makes me want to stay home and bundle up and stay warm and dry and pain-free. :-p
I promise I won't be this way about the marathon. You can trust me for several reasons:
- I told my grandma I am doing it for her.
- I am asking people to donate money in conjunction with me doing it. (See sidebar!!)
- I will have LOTS more training before doing it.
- I have made up my mind that I am doing it no matter what.
- Everyone I know will give me shit if I don't do it.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Official Team Member!
The kickoff event is June 6, and team training begins the next Saturday. The half marathon is in 3 days, should be a nice ass-whipping (as in the 13.1 miles will whip my ass) but at least I'll get some race experience.